+93 78 241 6565 info@bastanhing.com



 The Zamin-e-Bastan Hing (Asafoetida) Cultivation Agricultural Services Company is the most reputable agricultural company that promotes Hing (Anghoze) cultivation in Afghanistan.

The Zamin-e-Bastan Hing (Ferula Asafoetida) Cultivation Agricultural Services Company with an experience of 35 years in related sector (Cultivation and harvesting of Hing)  in Tajikistan currently operating in Afghanistan under the management of Mr. Najebullah “Nazari” in Kabul, Mr. Khairullah “Nazari” in Mazar-e-Sharif  with assistance of Mr. Abdul Ghafar “Nazari, ” Mr. Javed “ Madrou” and Mr. Naeem “Madrou” ( The experience of 35 years in cultivation and harvesting of Hing is related to Javed and Naeem “ Madrou”).

Our Services